What is Feng Shui
Feng Shui works on the basis of energy or your aura, chakras, and meridians, the energy that carries your thoughts, ideas and emotions to every cell in your body. It is a two-way process, just as your energy is carried around you and can influence the environment around you so can your environment influence your energy. Resulting in subtle changes in the way you think and feel. Over a long period of time this mixing with external energies can even affect your physical body. Many of the energies that influence your personnel energy are the landscape around you, the city you live in, those that you live with, those that you work with, the weather, the moon, the sun, and the planets. You have heard the expression “you could cut the tension with a knife” this is emotional energy that you can feel interacting with the environment. Individual’s energy of emotions is always interacting with their environment and the areas that they spend the majority of their time. Your feelings, thoughts and emotions are influenced by your environment and the other energies that have been there. Also keep in mind that your feelings, thoughts and emotions are influencing those around you, so be careful what you are thinking and feeling.
What is Feng Shui?
• Space clearing
• Energy work for your home
• Translates to wind water
• Concerned with nature and the energy behind it
• Magnetism of the earth aligning with our own energy and that of our home.
What can Feng Shui Do for you?
By taking control of the way your energy mixes with that of your home’s energy you can change how you feel. First identify that which you need to change within yourself to be more successful. There are so many ways Feng Shui can help you, here are a few ways to apply Feng Shui to your life:
• Health
• Moods
• Relationships
• Creativity
• Ability to manage your finances
• Family life
• Career
• Spirituality
Five Elements
• Wood – growth and creativity, upward energy, active and full of new hopes just like you might feel on a sunny spring morning. It represents the rising sun in the East.
• Water – emotions and the ability to go with the flow. Water relates to going with the flow, being flexible and regenerating deeply – it is the image of the middle of the night in midwinter, facing north.
• Fire – Momentum, action, transformation, the intellect. Fire is outward, expressive and colorful – similar to the middle of a hot summer’s day. This is the midday sun in the South.
• Metal – Abundance, wealth and success. Describes chi, moving inwards, becoming concentrated, and contained. It’s like watching a big autumn sunset in the west with a sense of completion.
• Earth – Stability, reliability and confidence, sometimes referred to as soil. This resembles the downward, settled and secure energy of the descending south-western sun. It symbolizes the end of the summer in the afternoon.
The cycle of Production
Earth produces metal (minerals).
Metal produces (enhances) Water.
Water nourishes vegetation and produces Wood.
Wood burns to increase Fire.
Fire produces ash/adds to earth.
The cycle of Destruction
Earth overpowers Water.
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal.
Metal (tools) destroys Wood.
Wood drains nourishment from Earth.
The cycle of Moderation
Earth can put out Fire
Fire can burn Wood.
Wood can soak up Water.
Water can corrode Metal.
Metal is formed by taking from Earth.
Yin and Yang are terms that describe complimentary and opposite ways that your energy reacts with the chi around you. Literally translated yin represents “the shady side of the mountain”, and yang “the sunny side of the mountain”. Typically Yin is that which is easy going, flexible, relaxing, slowing down, and being open minded, creative, imaginative, and receptive and the ability to look at the big picture. Generally yang refers to things that are energetic, quick, active, focused, alert, precise, aggressive, assertive and tense.
Decide if you feel best when you are more yin or yang and then adjust the things in your environment to make it happen. Yin and yang can be applied to everything from the food that you eat, to the way you chose to decorate, or the fashion choices you make, or your day to day activities.
Yin chi is cooler, slower and more dispersed. Natural yin qualities - look for a lean frame, and oval face shape, big eyes, full lips, fleshy cheeks, long toes and fingers. Those who blink frequently and have difficulty making eye contact are usually more yin. Some other characteristics would include being sensitive, flexible, gentle, creative, imaginative, and easy going. Those who are naturally more yin can easily find themselves becoming too yin much easier than being to yang. Things you might notice if you are too yin – feeling cold, frequent infectious illnesses, cold, clammy skin, diarrhea, lethargy, depression, victim mentality. To correct this you would want to do things to help you become more yang. To become more yin you can meditate, listen to soft meditative music, eat more fresh salads and fruit, drink water and juices, surround yourself with pastel colors, wear loose, flowing clothes, try stretching exercises such as yoga, get out into nature, and use soft lighting or candles.
Yang chi is hot, compressed and fast. Natural Yang qualities are a stockier build, a round face, and solid look. Some other yang qualities include thin lips, small eyes, and a strong jaw line. Other qualities that are more yang would include being alert, precise, active, dynamic, and focused. Again those that are naturally more yang will find it easier to become too yang rather than too yin. Some symptoms you might find if you are too yang would be tension, dry skin, stiffness/tightness, stress, constipation, anger and a need for control. To correct this you would want to find activities to do that are more yin. Some ways to become more yang get rid of clutter, exercise, play in competitive sports, do martial arts, surround yourself with bright colors, dress up in smart, formal clothes, socialize, eat cooked foods, eat more root vegetables, grains and fish.
Remember that a nice balance of Yin and Yang within your environment is the goal so you have harmony within the home.
East – Represents your loved ones, from your immediate family to the family of friends you create for yourself, to your ancestors. This is an area of individuality and growth. It is a wonderful area for feeling enthusiastic, assertive, and confident. This area will help you to find the desire to start new projects, focus on details, get things right, analyze, be alert, concentrate and be precise. The symbol associated with this area is Thunder; giving this energy a loud forceful edge, and encourages you to go make things happen for yourself. This is a wonderful energy for getting up early, but can increase the risk of being angry or frustrated. The season it is associated with is early spring, the time of day is sunrise, family member is eldest son, element is wood, and color is bright green, lo shu number is 3.
Southeast – Is the area of wealth and abundance; ranging from self worth to monetary worth and spiritual blessings received. This is a wonderful area for personal resources and anything that enriches your life. To recover your self-worth look here. This is a great area for being imaginative, persistent, generating new ideas, being sensitive, seeking harmony, being positive, creative, and increased your desire to communicate. The symbol for this area is wind and is wonderful for spreading ideas. This is a great energy for progressing in life and working on future prosperity. It can increase the risk of being irritable and impatient. The season associated with this direction is Late Spring, the time of day is mid morning, family member is eldest daughter, element is wood, colors are dark green and sky blue, lo shu number is 4.
South – This direction is great for fame, or being known in your community, career, or gaining respect and recognition. This area is concerned with your outward self as well as self-actualization. If you need that recognition work on this area. It is a great area for feeling dramatic, flamboyant, generous, proud, excited and passionate. It increases the desire to be sociable, outgoing, spontaneous, expressive, and get noticed. It can also risk feeling self-centered, over-emotional, hysterical, and stressed. This energy is bright and fiery. The symbol is fire, the season is midsummer, the time of day is midday, the family member is middle daughter, the color is a bright reddish-purple, and the lo shu number is 9.
Southwest – This is a direction of love, marriage, and romance. It is also an area of relationships of all kinds be they business or personal and helping to deepen these relationships. This direction is associated with being receptive. A great direction for being sympathetic, caring, and patient. It increases the desire to be down-to-earth, practical, and frugal, consolidate and be secure. It is the ideal energy for improving quality to what you are doing. This settling energy runs a risk of feeling jealous or dependent. The symbol of this direction is earth, the element is earth/soil, the colors are matt black, brown, beige or yellow, the time of day is afternoon, the season is summer changing to autumn, the family member is the Mother, and the lo shu number is 2.
West – This is the direction for children, if you want to have them, help them, or to stimulate your creative impulses work on this area. This is where you nurture that which you have created. It is a great direction to feel romantic, content, and playful. This direction will increase your desire for wealth, new relationships, complete projects, and be stylish. It will also help you to become more playful and seek the pleasures of life. This is a wonderful energy for bringing things to a successful conclusion. There is a risk of feeling depressed or pessimistic. The symbol is a lake, the element is metal, the time of day is early evening (sunset), the season is autumn, the family member is youngest daughter, the colors are rusty-red, maroon, or pink, and the lo shu number is 7.
Northwest – This is a direction of achievement, including those who help you to achieve. It is a direction of giving and receiving responsibility. Great for being responsible, dignified and in charge; it increases one’s desire for feeling in control, being organized, planning for the future, and having integrity. The symbol for this direction is heaven meaning that it is a great direction for finding greater wisdom and clearer intuition. It represents experience and maturity which helps in gaining the trust of others, commanding respect or finding a mentor. Be careful as it can increase the risk of being arrogant and authoritarian. The season is early winter, the element is metal, the color is silver-grey or off white, the time of day is late evening, the family member is the father, and the lo shu number is 6.
North – This is the direction for progress. Progress is not always about moving forward, but possibly about self assessment before we move onward. It can be progress in a career or a personal journey. Think of this area as the foundation of your home’s energy. It is great for feeling spiritual, independent and sexual. It can increase your desire to be flexible, find peace, develop yourself, study, be objective and different, and improve your health. This is a great energy for getting original ideas without distractions. It is an ideal direction for conception, vitality, and allowing the body to heal itself. This is a very quiet energy and is helpful if you have sleeping troubles; make sure your crown chakra is facing this direction to correct. The risk of this direction is that you might feel isolated and aloof. The season is winter, the time of day is night, the symbol is water, the element is water, the color is cream with a high gloss finish or clear varnish or other translucent finish and glossy black, the family member is the middle son, and the lo shu number is 1.
Northeast – This is the direction of knowledge, wisdom and self-cultivation. Gaining self wisdom can bring about changes in our life, encompassing turning points. Good direction for being motivated, outgoing, and driven. This direction will increase your desire to seize opportunities, compete, win, decisive, win, be clear-minded, and adventurous. This is a sharp piercing energy that is quick to change. This makes it a wonderful direction for striking a deal or trading. It is useful in clearing your mind, thinking of a new direction in your life, and more decisive thinking. It does run the risk of getting greedy and obsessive. The season is winter changing to spring, the time of day is early morning after the first haze of light, the element is soil, the symbol is a mountain, the color is white, the family member is the youngest son, and the lo shu number is 8.
Center – This is the heart of your home, a place of balance, harmony and spirituality. It is also considered the prosperity point of a home. To achieve harmony and balance you must have joy. This energy is the link that connects all 8 directions. It does not have a time, season, element, symbol or family member, but can said to be a representative of them all. As such it is an energy that can help you to attract people to you and become the “center” of attention. It is the power center of all the energies within the home and must be treated with respect. This area of a home if at all possible should be kept clear to open up the energy and allow it to move and flow.
The Lo Shu
This is one of the oldest and major keys to the understanding of practical Feng Shui. It is a 3x3 tic-tac-toe grid containing the numbers 1-9, but in a very special order. The number 9 being the largest yang number is aligned with the south, while the smallest yang number 1 is aligned with the north.
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
Dear Friends,
Clutter has a way of taking over our lives. Clutter becomes that unwanted houseguest that you can't get rid of. It robs us of peace while we are home and it also steals any bit of joy when we leave home; the dread of returning to that mess. What about those of you that will not even go anywhere because of the chaotic state of your home. We received a message today from a member that gave up their family vacation to clean and declutter their home. Thank you for the God Breeze. I realize that it had to be done for the safety of a crawling baby, but I felt that I needed to address this inconsiderate squatter, so you could see what he is doing to you and your family. When a home is filled with clutter, it takes on a life of its own. Your whole day is spent giving it attention, instead of your family and yourself. Let's look at some of the things we give up, so we can devote our lives to this inconsiderate houseguest.
1. Clutter filled homes, are not welcoming to friends or family. So we do not invite them over often. When we do, we almost kill ourselves trying to get the house presentable so we will not be embarrassed. You know the drill. Major Crisis Cleaning until 3:00am and they are coming the next day. As a result of not wanting to make the preparations, we alienate ourselves from our friends and family, by closing our doors and throwing away the key. Clutter is a very selfish housemate. It wants you all to itself. This is another way for the Evil One to attack families. When the structure of the family is broken down, he wins. Clutter is his most effective weapon.
2. Clutter in your home, does not allow your mind and body to rest. The guilt of all the clutter, keeps you working non-stop. You can't organize clutter; you can only get rid of it, like a diseased cancerous tumor. Purge it from your life and you will find out what living is all about. Clutter causes you to turn down invitations to lunch or weekend getaways with your husband. It will also get in the way of you taking time for yourself. It yells at you, you don't deserve to have any fun; you have not taken care of ME yet. Oh selfish clutter. Like a spoiled child, it requires all your attention.
3. Clutter tells the world that you are not worthy. We have all heard it. If you can't take care of this, you can't have it. We have been brainwashed by this clutter to believe that we do not deserve to have nice things, since we can't keep our home looking presentable. So we only buy more clutter at yard sales and junk shops, because it only cost a dollar. Now don't email fussing about this. I love yard sales as much as the next person, but think about this mentality for a few minutes. Don't we deserve to be surrounded by pretty things that we love, instead of someone else's cast-offs. When we quit wasting our money on more clutter to feed the already growing demon in our home, we can save to purchase things that make us smile.
4. Clutter never wants you to leave home. This is why he makes it so difficult for you to pack and go on vacation. Laundry has to be done, you have to get people to come to the house to feed your critters, or worse yet, you need someone to house sit for you. Clutter will never allow strangers in his domain. He wants you all to himself. The bills have to be paid, so you can go, clutter invades your finances and family responsibilities. You don't have wills done, because it is just too much trouble. So you stay home, so you won't have to make the decision of who will care for you children in case of an accident. Clutter loves to keep you home, so he has your full attention. He throws ever obstacle in your path.
5. Clutter loves to make you sick. This way you are totally dependent upon his way of life. He robs you of your health, so this gives you an excuse to give him more clutter. The more there is the happier he becomes and more sick you get. Sometimes you will not allow people to come into your home to help, because clutter has quarantined you. Or
shall we say imprisoned you in your dungeon.
6. Clutter's main sustenance is chaos. So when you are running around your home searching for something in all the mess, clutter is celebrating with a feast. Trying to find a document on your desk, is not fun for you, but clutter begets clutter. You end up making an even bigger mess during the search.
7. Clutter loves ignorance, because you know no other way to live. If you did, he would not have a home that provides him of all the undivided attention that you give his needs. You have never enjoyed a peaceful afternoon, without clutter vying for your every thought and deed. He knows that if you ever feel one ounce of peace, you will tell him to hit the road, because that peace is so contagious. It is time to put clutter in his place and send him packing from whence he came. So where does clutter belong and how do you get rid of this unwanted houseguest. It is not easy. He keeps pleading with you that, "you need me", and laying many guilt trips on you for what relatives will think if you put him out into the cold. (You know those gifts and inherited clutter you have been saddled with over the years.) Your clutter did not accumulate overnight and it is going to take days, weeks and sometimes several months to rid yourself of this squatter. We do it in small steps to make it easy on you. This way, your houseguest has no clue that you are evicting him. Slowly but surely the clutter will leave one boogie or one room rescue at a time. Some of you may need to take a "get tough" approach and order a dumpster or set up regular pickups from charity thrift stores. What ever you decide to do, consistency is the ticket to getting him to vacate your premises. Just 15 minutes a day is all you need to set him on the road. When you kick his bottom out your door, you will begin to have your home to yourself again. Peace is just a boogie away. It is time to pack his bags and send him out into the world to fend for himself. You have wasted enough of your time on him. From now on,
you are going to become very particular about whom you bring home to reside with you and your family. Are you ready to evict this squatter, so you can FLY? FlyLady
P.S. Are your special clutter friends taking you from your children? One day after you are gone your children will have to evict clutter once and for all: a dumpster is a proper coffin. Clutter took you away from them. Don't let clutter become your only loved one. You have flesh and blood precious souls around you.
Dear Friends,
What is your clutter doing to you? One day when I was having a conversation with my dear friend Tracy, she coined a phrase that I asked to borrow. Clutter is to our homes as cholesterol is to our arteries. So I ran with it. Over the past few years, it has been forwarded to me saying you have to read this. It is so funny when your own words come back to you via the internet. LOL this is scary, so let’s examine the similarities. Cholesterol clogs arteries.
Clutter invades the pathways of our homes.
Cholesterol increases blood pressure.
Clutter causes stress in your life.
Cholesterol reduces your life span.
Clutter decreases your joy in living.
Cholesterol cost major money when you treat it.
Clutter pushes money away from you.
Cholesterol causes heart disease.
Clutter destroys closeness in families
Cholesterol is a result of over indulging in fatty foods.
Clutter is a result of over indulging in stuff.
Cholesterol causes arteries to harden
Clutter causes hearts to harden.
Do you see that we have to put our homes on a cholesterol free, clutter free diet? How do we do this: By changing our eating habits we live in a society in which the one who dies with the most stuff wins! Do you want your stuff to be the death of you? Start changing you eating habits, by only buying things that are needed. When you bring something new home, purge something old that it replaces. Get rid of the items that you have more than one of. Give away the things you no longer use. Clean out those clothes that you can't wear. Clean out those attics and basements. Look at why you are holding on to things. Are you afraid that you are going to have to do without? Fear and hoarding are signs that you don't have faith in God. Clutter was clogging up my pathways to the abundance. When I got rid of my clutter I opened my heart to all the joy that life has to offer. What is stopping you from getting rid of clutter?
Are you ready to FLY?
Love this website www.flylady.net so very helpful in helping you to regain control over your clutter.
Another wonderful source if you are in need of a good de-cluttering is Terra Linse Grahm she is available by phone at 307-250-2784, or by e-mail is terralinse@yahoo.com. She is here in Logan and has helped me a couple of times with a major de-cluttering. Give her a call for your major de-cluttering needs. She is also finishing her master’s degree at USU in Landscape architecture and horticulture. She is wonderful with plants if you need some of those to help remedy situations within your home.
Form School
Form school has to do with the forms of the surrounding landscape. In this school you look at the mystical animals that are represented by different land forms and try and identify your best direction. The four mystical animals are the phoenix, tiger, tortoise, and dragon. The main idea is that the front is a large open vista preferably overlooking water, this represents the phoenix. A mountain, trees or hills in the rear to protect, this is symbolic of the tortoise. On the left there should be a form higher and lighter structures represented by the dragon and on the right there should be low solid protection represented by the tiger. Using this you can determine the best direction for the home to face.
Three-gate School
This is a newer style of Feng Shui, with the door position determining how the magic square fits over the floor plan. Each sector of the square represents a different area in your life. The far left corner – wealth, far center – fame, far right – relationships, mid-left – family, center – yourself, mid-right – children, front left – knowledge, front center – career, and front right – mentors. This is the easiest method to use on your own.
Eight Mansions School
This is a Chinese compass-based method; you have a kua number determined by your date of birth which determines if you are in the east-life or west-life group. After determining this you have 4 of the 8 compass directions that are favorable to you while 4 of the 8 directions can be negative. Usually half of your home is positive to you and the other half is harmful. Your life group, direction that your home faces, and where you main entrance is define which half is which.
Flying Star School
This is a traditional Chinese compass based system in which the date of your home construction, the present year, and the magic square are all combined in a chart to determine which directions represent which areas of the home, and they continue to change as the year changes. For this method you need a special compass called a lo pan to take these readings.
Eight directions School
This school comes from Japan, based off of the traditional Chinese compass-based Feng Shui. This school uses a compass to orientate the eight directions over the floor plan of your home. Based on the magic square, each direction carries a different energy into the home. This can energy can be enhanced or calmed using the five elements. Your sleeping and sitting positions also determine which energy you personally absorb more of. Rather than the energies being seen as positive or negative, they are simple arranged to enhance your energy to what makes you feel the best at that time.
Most practiced Feng Shui is a combination of some of the different schools. Not one is better than the other; you have to find what is most effective for you.
Feng Shui Tips
• Use your intuition with furniture arrangements
• Try to have all 5 elements in your home
• Create a balance of yin and yang with your furniture
• Mirrors are useful for reflecting back bad energy
• Mirrors should be kept as clean as possible to help energy flow
• Crystals and bright objects reflect energy outwards
• Keep your home in the best condition possible
• Single level homes produce more energy than split level homes
• Kitchens should face east
• Bedrooms should never open directly onto the kitchen
• Long straight hallways should be avoided
• Spiral staircases should be avoided
• Front door should be slightly larger than the back door
• Front door should not be in line with the back door
• A solid front door is better than glass
• Good idea to frame the front door with trees or shrubbery but essential that it remains visible
• Flowers on each side of the front path encourages ch’i
• Dining room should be its own room
• Dining room should not be lower than the living room
• Best shape for a dining table is round
• A large mirror in the dining room is great as it symbolically doubles the amount of food on the table
• Have at least 3 chairs at the dining table
• The best place for the bed is the furthest diagonal from the entrance
• The foot of the bed should not directly face the door
• Place the bed against a solid wall rather than under a window
• A round mirror in the bedroom will enhance the relationship
• Do not put a mirror directly in front of the foot of the bed
• The bed should be accessible from both sides
• Allow room under the bed for ch’i to flow
• Keep the toilet as inconspicuous as possible
• Bathroom and toilet doors should be kept closed
• Toilets should not be placed in the center of a home
• A toilet should not be close to the front door
• The backs of chairs or sofas should not face any entrances to the living room
• The living room should feel comfortable and welcoming
• If possible your guests will feel more positive when facing south or east.
• Plants help ch’i to circulate and can also be used to block negative energy
• Water attracts energy and money
• Live animals help the energy to circulate
• Don’t hang a mirror opposite any door as this stops the energy from entering the next room
• You cannot have too many mirrors in your home, however they should be used sparingly in the bedroom or areas that need to be restful
• Octagonal shaped mirrors are powerful as they represent all 8 directions
• Remember that what works for one person will not necessarily work for you as we all have a unique energy
• The best place to start is by removing clutter in your home!
• Make changes slowly… ideally focusing on one area at a time
Crystals & Feng Shui
There are 3 ways in which crystals and gemstones can be utilized in Feng Shui. One is using gemstones to invoke elemental balance in order to provide a healthy environment for yourself and your family. The second utilizes gemstone color associated with the magic square or lo shu grid to change your live and aid in healing. The third method invokes the power of birthstones
A bowl of crystals or gemstones on the windowsill or a table in front of a window can help to calm the energy flow coming in.
Gemstones and crystals placed around the hearth provide protection and help smooth energy entering your home
If you have to have a sofa without a wall behind it put a sofa table behind it with a crystal or two to provide a buffer of protective energy
The living room has a special area called the wealth corner. This is in addition to the directions and lo shu that fall into this area. The wealth corner is located in respect to the main entrance of your living room, take one step in turn to your left and look up to the ceiling. This is your wealth corner. A small crystal suspended from the ceiling about 6 inches will activate beneficial energy. Some of these crystals would include citrine, beryl, chrysoprase, iolite, moonstone, carnelian, and green aventurine.
Angled walls within a room will sometimes lead to a missing piece of that room, by using crystals on that angled wall you will help to amplify this energy so that the missing peace is put back into balance.
Elements and the directions with Gemstones
Fire – peridot or obsidian
Metal – malachite, azurite
Wood – Jet and Amber
Earth – Andalusite & tourmaline
Water – Opal and pearl
Northwest – Achievement and assisting people – Moonstone
North – Career/personal journey – Black spinel
Northeast – Wisdom/knowledge – Lapis Lazuli
East – Family/ancestors – Jade
Southeast – Prosperity/blessings/self-worth – Amethyst
South – Illumination/fame/success – garnet
Southwest – Relationships/love/romance – Rose quartz
West – Creativity/projects/children – White quartz
Center – Balance/harmony – Citrine
• Agate – Center – connection to the natural world, Northeast – wealth, Southwest - Love, use in your negative direction of misfortune as a protection
• Alexandrite – center – spirituality, south success and reputation, southeast – self-worth, any negative direction as a good luck amulet or any area where healing is needed.
• Amazonite – northeast – self cultivation, southwest – relationships, any negative direction to disperse negativity
• Amber – used to represent the wood element, center – balance/calm, northeast – wisdom, west – ancestors, southwest – love, negative directions of misfortune and loss if they fall in your kitchen or dining rooms. Use in any direction to help boost changes you want to attract into your life.
• Amethyst – primary gemstone for the southeast direction. Center – balance/spiritual growth, northeast – wisdom, in any negative directions as protection and good luck. Place anywhere to manifest change.
• Aquamarine – Southwest – relationships/love, negative directions for courage and protections
• Aventurine – north – career, west – creativity, any area/life aspect that needs an emotional lift, any negative directions for solutions, choices or luck.
• Bloodstone – East – ancestors, southeast – abundance, southwest – relationships/love, negative directions to remove obstacles, and attract luck.
• Calcite – west – creativity/projects, northeast – knowledge, north – career, northwest – benefactors, southeast – personal resources, negative directions to amplify positive energy.
• Carnelian – center – harmony, south – success, west – creativity, southeast – self-worth, negative directions for protection and soothing.
• Chrysoprase – south – success, southwest – relations, southeast – abundance, northwest – benefactors, any negative direction for adaptability.
• Citrine – Primary gemstone for center – spiritual growth/guidance, southwest – relationships, east – community, west – creativity, north – personal journey, southeast – self-worth/prosperity/wealth, any negative direction as protection, strength and healing.
• Coral – southwest – relationships, center – harmony, east – community, any negative direction for protection and to clear negativity.
• Flourite – South – illumination, north – personal journey, center – harmony/balance/spiritual healing, any direction that needs a boost of vitality; and any negative direction for good luck and protection.
• Garnet – Center – spirituality, north - personal journey/success, southwest – partnership, northwest – travel, negative directions for personal power to bring victory
• Jade – Center – harmony, southwest – partners/love, northeast – wisdom, positive directions of life and longevity and any negative direction for solving problems and bringing luck.
• Jasper – Center – grounding, west – children, southwest – relationships, east – community/family, any negative direction to protect against negativity.
• Lapis lazuli – Primary stone of the northeast direction – Center – tranquility/spirituality, northeast – wisdom/knowledge, north personal journey, west – creativity, any negative direction for protection.
• Moonstone – Primary stone for the northwest direction – Center – balance, northwest – travel, north – personal journey, west – creativity, southwest – love/mother, southeast – wealth, any negative direction to bring good fortune.
• Obsidian – Primary stone for the north direction, North – personal journey, Center – grounding, any negative direction for protection.
• Onyx – Center – balance, northeast – self-cultivation, any direction where you seek transformation, any negative direction for protection.
• Opal – primary gemstone for the element water, South – illumination/insight, north – personal journey, southeast – self-worth, west – creativity, any negative direction as a symbol of hope.
• Quartz – Quartz is useful anywhere you need to amplify your strengths or where you want to transform a life aspect. Center – balance/spirituality, west – projects/creativity.
• Rhodochrosite – southwest – love/relationships/partner, center – balance, southeast – abundance/comfort, any area that needs love and caring, any area where there’s transition needing support, or any negative direction to offset negativity with love.
• Rose quartz – Primary gemstone for the southwest direction – relationships, center – emotional balance, any direction where emotional healing is needed.
• Serpentine – North – personal journey, center – balance
• Sodalite – east – community, southwest – relationships, northeast – wisdom, north – career, south – success, any negative direction to resolve issues.
Feng Shui and Family
• Avoid contaminating your home with the chi of nasty arguments, simmering resentment or jealousy by discussing such issues outside the home.
• Better understand your family’s dynamics by examining everyone’s three ki numbers. Discover ways to bring in the missing chi, if one or more members are opposite in terms of the fie elements
• Find out simple ways to make the chi more yin and peaceful reducing the risk of arguments
• In crease the chi in your home that helps everyone to have fun and feel more playful
• Focus on the kitchen, often the heart of the family home
• Keep the chi of the utility rooms clean and functional
• Make sure your storage is well organized so that everything has its place and the most-used items are accessible
• The atmosphere of the nursery influences how your baby will sleep, along with the visual stimulation that he or she will receive, so it is important to set up this room carefully to increase the chances of a peaceful night
Feng Shui and Health
Make sure that your home that:
• Is exposed to natural light including some sunlight
• Is made from natural materials
• Is surrounded by some natural vegetation and trees
• Is in an area where there is clean air
• Has a variety of plants inside
• Is furnished with items made of natural fabrics and materials
Feng Shui and Abundance
• The East helps you come up with new ways to earn money. Place a moving water feature there to help you start new money making projects. Put a shiny coin in the water at the beginning of the day when you feel close to a breakthrough
• The Southeast looks at ways to increase your prosperity in the future. Put a bowl of fresh water on top of the largest bank note in your currency to get new ideas for your future prosperity. Refill each day as soon as you get up.
• The Northeast enables you to seize the opportunity to make a profitable investment and is great for quick decisions. If you like to speculate and play the stock market, increase this chi by keeping your share certificates here along with a large white crystal.
• South Helps develop the passion to go out and earn money. Hang pictures of things that motivate you to earn more money. These images should be inspirational and should keep you focused on the future.
• Southwest is used to focus on your savings and find ways to make the money you have go further. Use a clay pot to keep your savings-account details in, or simply keep a yellow flowering plant in a clay container to boost this directions energy.
• West makes it easier to make more money out of what you are already doing to earn money. Put shiny coins on a red cloth to increase this chi, making it easier to make money. This also helps you to have fun and enjoy making money.
• Northwest is good for acquiring more integrity about money and greater respect for its value. Keep your financial information in this part of your home, if you want to get serous about your finances. This area is good for understanding the value of money.
• North increases the chi that relates to your cash flow. Ideal if people are slow in paying you. Hang a small, round multi-faceted crystal in this part of your home to increase the chi that relates to your cash flow.
• Use a money plant - with rounded leaves in a metal container
We provide the material in this blog for informational purposes only. We do not prescribe and we do not diagnose. If you use the information in this blog without the approval of a health professional, you prescribe for yourself, which remains your constitutional right, but the authors assume no responsibility. The authors shal have neither liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any damage, loss, or injury caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this blog. The information presented herein is in no way intended as a substitue for medical counseling. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a qualified health care professional. The statements made in this blog in reference to essential oils and herbs have not been evaluated by the FDA.
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