The AromaTouch Technique Kit is now available. Many amazing experience are already being reported from this new technique. Here are just a few:
A teenage boy with many emotional struggles (attends bio-feedback twice a week) said he came irritated and angry and left calm peaceful and feeling "light". Three days later still greeted me with a smile. His mother was excited to learned the technique for continued benefit.
After a second AromaTouch, a man with prostate inflammation noted perfect normal urine flow for the first time in years.
A Student, after seeing the relaxation in her husband is excited to return to school and share this during finals.
A pregnant mother - tight and feeling stressesd - shoulder skelatal structures distorted from stress - ten minutes after the technique, she said she felt the stress draining from her body.
A man dealing with occupational transisitions slept through the night for the first time in a long while.
A mother stated after she felt calm but more like she wanted to take a walk than take a nap.
I thought I’d share with you that Sunday morning my dear friend who was with me at the training, called to tell me her mother had had just had a severe stroke and we headed to the hospital with our oils. We bathed her in the oils (Frankincense & Ylang Ylang) and did 3 AromaTouch treatments throughout the day. Today she has had dramatic and miraculous improvement. What an amazing experience.
All this came from the Build Doterrawebsite.
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