I am hoping with some of my tips on fertility that I might have some readers who could finally be pregnant. Here are a few tips to help you through the pregnancy and childbirth. Unless previously zoned, do not zone in 1st trimester.
Trying to stay pregnant: False unicorn prevents miscarriage.
Premature Labor: Rub Lavender or Baby Me across the abdomen to slow or stop contractions.
Stretch marks: Baby Me, lavender, or geranium oil added to carrier oil or Vitamin E and apply all over abdomen and hip area.
Morning sickness: DigestZen (DoTERRA) Inside-out, Ez-Traveler, (Butterfly Express) Orange, Grapefruit, lemon or ginger. Behind ears, smell. Wild yam cream, vitamin B. If Lemon oil works, it may indicate kidney stones.
Toxemia: Vitality (Butterfly Express), Cypress. Dilute for massage; diffuse; inhale deeply.
Fenugreek herb, and fennel oil (not to be used more than 10 days in a row)—increases milk production when nursing. Parsley herb & peppermint oil dries up milk.
Placenta Previa: rub oils across the top of the belly to pull placenta up.
Postpartum Depression: Whisper(DoTERRA) Heart Song, Tranquility, (Butterfly Express) wild yam cream to balance hormones.
Breach Position: relax the abdominal muscles with a chakra clearing over the womb—counterclockwise. Donna Eden says that the baby will follow the energies of the hand.
Child Birth
Five weeks before you deliver, start taking 5-W from Nature's Sunshine, it is supposed to help prepare that area, making childbirth easier.
Mineral water on perineum. Do not zone until spotting has discontinued. Liquid cayenne pepper will help stop bleeding.
Oils: Rose, Clary Sage, Millenia (after the placenta delivers—will close up the cervix!), Sweet Orange (calms nausea during transition).
Inducing labor
Soak in a ginger bath to soften the cervix: ¼ cup ginger in a warm bath.
Eating Pineapple - helps to soften the cervix
Castor oil: 2 oz castor oil in orange juice—can make you sick and you may never want to drink orange juice again. (I would not recommend this as it may cause serious diarrhea)
Stimulate your nipples for 2 hours, have sex.
Get zoned
Never use these oils:
Bitter almond | Boldo leaf |
Yellow camphor | Horseradish |
Sassafras | Jaborandi leaf |
Rue | Mugwort |
Mustard | Pennyroyal |
Savin | Southernwood |
Thuja | Tansy |
Wormseed | Wormwood |
Use these oils with caution:
Birch | |
Cinnamon | Aniseed |
Nutmeg | Bay |
Basil | Calamus |
Pimento Berry | Cistus |
Thyme | Clary Sage -starts labor |
Oregano | Clove |
Mace | Cumin |
Cedarwood | Hyssop |
Fennel | Juniper |
Myrrh | Peppermint |
Marjoram | Rosemary |
Hops | Sage |
Valerian | Spikenard |
Black pepper | Tarragon |
Parsley Seed | Wintergreen |
This information is for fun, if you need help please contact a physician. A lot of the information here has not been proven by science and is just old wives tales, but they must merit a little truth since they continue to be passed along.
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